The Beyond Beautiful movement and book series exists to inspire, empower, and remind young girls all around the world that they are BEYOND BEAUTIFUL!

The Beyond Beautiful movement reminds young girls that they have tremendous inner qualities, that when nurtured and unlocked, have the power to help them overcome any situation in life and change the world!

The Beyond Beautiful Girls Empowerment Academy was founded by award winning author, pediatrician and public health specialist, Dr. Jasmine Zapata aka "Dr. Jaz". She is passionate about addressing the need for more mentorship and socioemotional skill development for young girls.
Dr. Jaz and her team have partnered with various churches, nonprofits, schools, and youth serving organizations to deliver the Beyond Beautiful Girls Empowerment Academy locally, nationally, and even abroad.

Self Esteem, Self Worth, Resilience, Study Tips, Mentors, Music, Purpose, Affirmations, Self Care Tips, Excitement about reading Belonging, Confidence, Fun, Friendships, Memories, and more!
The Beyond Beautiful Empowerment Academy is a unique, evidence-based program aligned with national education standards and centered around several core objectives including:
Developing Skills
Developing tangible skills for studying, self-care, and overcoming obstacle

Building Confidence
Discovering our inner beauty and self-worth

Health and Wellness
Highlighting the importance of self-care and implementing a personal wellness plan

Exploring Creativity
Integrating the power of music and creative arts as a tool to regulate emotions and thoughts
...and more!
The academy personifies the lessons, tips, and skills in the Beyond Beautiful book series with the added bonus of mentorship and group coaching for the Beyond Beauties in your life. Whether live or virtual, a full academic year or semester-long, The Beyond Beautiful Empowerment Academy can be tailored to suit every unique group of young girls.
Beyond Beauties enrolled in the Empowerment Academy will unlock invaluable access to:

Contact Us
.... to discuss Bringing the Beyond Beautiful Girls Empowerment Academy to the young ladies in YOUR life.
The Beyond Beautiful Empowerment Academy pushes young women from potential to purposeful. Schools, community organizations, parents, mentors, and so many other entities have trusted The Beyond Beautiful Team in making a lifelong impact in the lives of their young girls.
Will you be the change agent for the Beyond Beauties in your life?